Three seems like a pretty small number - unless of course you are talking about the number of times you've been struck by lightening, or, say, the number of miles an ant could one hour. or even, I don't know...the number of raisins you could squeeze into an olive without the olive splitting down the side. I know what you're saying - gross, why would you put raisins inside an olive?...and you're right, I've gotten a little off track here, so let me just start fresh.

Three seems like a pretty small number, but when you turn three for the first, and incidentally, the last time, I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel small at all. This is the first year my niece, Mira, has totally grasped the concept of celebrating a birthday, and celebrate she did! Apple juice, mac & cheese and a grand ol' time was had by babies and grownups alike. I can safely say no person on earth has ever more joyously or less self-consciously awaited a flickering Arthur birthday cake as it approached the table.
It is all the willpower I have not to post an entire album of small, face-painted children frolicking around a wrapping-paper-strewn living room. Instead, I present to you the friendly blue giraffe puppet made just for Mira!

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